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Imán de Ferrita

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Dongyang Ma Li Magnet Co., Ltd.

Fundada en 2004, Dongyang Ma Li Magnet Co., Ltd es un profesional Imán de Ferrita Manufacturers and Imán de Ferrita Factory. Sus productos se venden principalmente a Estados Unidos, Sudeste Asiático, India, Europa y otros países y regiones. Los productos magnéticos tienen un amplio uso, como: motores, juguetes, electrónica, audio, teléfonos móviles, ordenadores, bolsos, generadores y otras industrias. Somos una empresa orientada a la producción que integra la investigación científica, el desarrollo, la producción y la explotación. Contamos con un sólido equipo de I+D, profesionalmente Custom Imán de Ferrita, y seguimos estrictamente la norma de calidad ISO9002 para la producción estandarizada y la gestión in situ. Nuestra Imán de Ferrita Los productos se basan en mercados de gama alta y cumplen las normas internacionales.
Imán Ma Li

Calidad superior desde 2004


Ferrite Magnet
Ferrite magnets, also known as ceramic magnets, are a type of permanent magnet made from a composite of iron oxide and barium or strontium carbonate. They are characterized by their high resistance to demagnetization, making them ideal for use in applications where a strong, stable magnetic field is required.
Ferrite magnets are relatively inexpensive compared to other types of magnets, and they have a high resistance to corrosion and oxidation. They are also relatively easy to manufacture and can be produced in large quantities.
Ferrite magnets are commonly used in a variety of applications, including motors, speakers, magnetic separators, and in various electronic devices. They are also used in magnetic therapy, where the magnets are placed on the body to promote healing.
One disadvantage of ferrite magnets is that they have a lower magnetic strength compared to other types of magnets, such as neodymium magnets. Additionally, they are brittle and can easily chip or break if subjected to impact or bending forces.

What are the advantages of ferrite magnets
Ferrite magnets have several advantages that make them a popular choice for a wide range of applications. Here are some of the advantages of ferrite magnets:
Strong magnetic properties: Ferrite magnets have a high resistance to demagnetization and are able to maintain their magnetic properties over a wide range of temperatures, making them ideal for use in high-temperature applications.
Low cost: Ferrite magnets are relatively inexpensive compared to other types of magnets, such as neodymium magnets, making them a cost-effective option for many applications.
Corrosion resistance: Ferrite magnets have a high resistance to corrosion and oxidation, which makes them ideal for use in harsh environments where exposure to moisture or other corrosive substances is a concern.
Easy to manufacture: Ferrite magnets are relatively easy to manufacture and can be produced in large quantities, making them readily available for a wide range of applications.
Good electrical insulation properties: Ferrite magnets are electrically insulating, which makes them ideal for use in applications where electrical conductivity is a concern.

What are the types of ferrite magnets
There are two main types of ferrite magnets:
Strontium Ferrite magnets: Strontium ferrite magnets are made from a composite of iron oxide and strontium carbonate. They have a high resistance to demagnetization, making them ideal for use in applications where a strong, stable magnetic field is required. Strontium ferrite magnets have a maximum energy product of about 4 MGOe (Mega Gauss Oersted).
Barium Ferrite magnets: Barium ferrite magnets are made from a composite of iron oxide and barium carbonate. They have a higher magnetic strength compared to strontium ferrite magnets, with a maximum energy product of about 6 MGOe. However, they have lower resistance to demagnetization, which makes them less suitable for high-temperature applications.
Both strontium and barium ferrite magnets are commonly used in a wide range of applications, including motors, generators, speakers, and magnetic separators. The choice of which type of ferrite magnet to use depends on the specific requirements of the application, such as the required magnetic strength, operating temperature, and environmental conditions.